Monday, April 20, 2009


It’s been wonderful to catch up with keepers that we met last year. We’ve spent a lot of time walking round the zoo to see all the changes. But it’s even better to hear from the staff that initiated and planned these things. Hearing that our work last year inspired some of these enclosure modifications is amazing.
We have bonded well with the Carnivore Department, when the Zoologist Masha heard that we were back in the zoo, she ran so fast to meet us that she couldn’t stop and crashed into us! She took us to meet the new tiger cubs who are gorgeous, they love to splash around in the water and purr like kittens when you blow on their noses!
Staff at the zoo have been very generous, and have brought us welcome gifts. Masha brought us two little espresso cups from Nikolaev Zoo (another Ukrainian Zoo) and we have been given three jars of homemade honey! It will be all we’ll have for our toast when the Marmite runs out!
The Carnivore Department is a great team. They cook and eat lunch together every day. We have been invited a few times and the food is marvellous – proper home cooked Ukrainian food.

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